Thursday, December 29, 2011

Take 2

I was blessed with a second chance to take pictures with the beautiful Ashley and we had a great time. I got to put her in funny hats, santa outfits, and I even got to wrap her in christmas lights. This picture are my favorite ones from that shoot. I definatly hope to work with her again in the future. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The next big thing.

Stephanie's shoot was done this past summer in Mt Clemens Michigan. The Clinton River and the downtown area made a create backdrop for her creative personality. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Surprise above.

I was laying on the floor to flip thru the pictures I had taken during a shoot and my model Tahania leaned over the edge of the couch to take a peek. When I looked up I saw how her hair fell down at the camera and instantly started shooting away. I love the depth of field and everything else about this shot. I was using studio lights and my off camera flash, but they were set up for the previous shot I took and happened to be perfect for this angle. Everything just came together like it was meant to be. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Detroit Self Portrait

Even as it sits, crumbled and abandoned, Michigan Central Station remains one of the great landmarks of the City of Detroit. The decay of this building mirrors the struggles that its city has been thru, especially over the last few years. Detroit is a city filled with talented artists, and people come from all over the world to see the art they create, just as people still venture to this train station to see its greatness and the art within its broken walls despite being closed down for over 20 years. The most important similarity between The City of Detroit and Michigan Central is that after all these years of abuse and neglect they both are still standing tall! If there was a self portrait of Detroit, it would be this building.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome to change!

Ok, so the title is a bit dramatic, but I had to draw you in somehow right? Up until this point this blog only has been a place for me to show off a few pictures and attempt to advertise my photography. Well my friends that is going to change now. Is this the big change I am welcoming you to? No. The change will be in my photography.
It is my goal to take the way I do and look at photography and change it into something no one has ever seen before. This blog will be your window into that process. Following this blog will give you a front row seat to watch as my art changes from the basic photographs it is not into much more.
People say that you cannot do anything new because everything has already been done. It is my mission to prove that statement wrong. I intend to take photography to another level by mixing it with other types of art, by ignoring the rules and looking at things in a new light, and countless other ideas that will pop into my head along the way.
In addition to showing the progress of my work I will often post about things that I have tried that did or didn’t work out well and possibly about places I have gone to work or products I have used that I think are great. (or that I think are horrible) This blog will be much more than a photo gallery so I hope you stay tuned and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Beautiful Tahania

This is the beautiful Tahania one of my favorite models! More to come soon!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Dead Squirrel Detroit, trying to revive Detroit's local music scene.

M.J., Dave, and Evans
Photo by Jason Moultrie

Detroit is known thru out the world as the “Motor City” for its reputation in producing some of the world’s finest and innovative automobiles. If this city truly is a motor city then music would be the fuel that keeps its engines running. For as much metal muscle Detroit has pumped out into America’s streets it has produced the same amount, if not more, in musical talent.  Aretha Franklin, Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, and Eminem are just a few artists that have made their way from the city to the main stream spotlight. However for every Kid Rock that makes it big there are thousands of unknown singers, bands, and musicians desperately searching for a way to achieve their dream as well. Even in a city that is in the musical spotlight as Detroit is, it can still be a big uphill battle for a band to get their music out to the people and be heard live.
                As hard as it is for a band to have a chance play in front of a live audience there are lights of hope here and there to help guide them and give them a hand. In 2010 a small group was formed in Roseville Michigan, who’s main goal is to get people to listen to local music from around the Detroit area, they call themselves “Dead Squirrel Detroit” or “DSD” for short. David Leidlein, M.J. Lawson, and Evans Tasiopoulos make up DSD and they have jumped down in the trenches with local bands trying to help them be heard. The group acts almost as a promoter for these young bands who normally would have a hard time playing at bigger places like Saint Andrews or The Shelter. They have also put on shows at venues like Smalls in Hamtramck and The Hayloft in Mt Clemens.
                All three of the members of DSD are not major promoters and rarely get paid for the shows they put on. They all work day jobs, but still somehow dedicate their own money and free time to the cause. After a long day at work it’s not uncommon for them to pack out and head to a venue and hand out flyers for one of their events themselves. Evans and M.J. tackle the artistic end of the group by designing flyers themselves for each show DSD puts on, while David looks for talented local bands in need of help, and finds them a good stage to be heard on. Each of them have grown up listening to Detroit bands that have made it, and watched them become a part of music history and it is their passion to be able to help more local bands achieve this goal.
                If you are interested in hearing bands from the Detroit area I ask you to please check out Dead Squirrel Detroit, and they will lead you to great local music. You can find them on Face Book or out at one of their shows. They are always there so stop by and say hello!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Session info and other fun stuff

For prices for prints or other products e-mail me at

Announce your Seniors graduation with Rep Cards!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Had an amazing time doing this photoshoot with the beautiful Carly at the Hard Luck Lounge in Grosse Pointe Park MI. If you like this picture stay tuned, the rest will be displayed in an upcoming art show with Detroit's own Matigroup! Details to follow.